God Must Have A Sense Of Humor

Laughing Star

Image by cindy47452 via Flickr




Can’t breathe.

Tears streaming down your face.


Humor, is something to be thankful for. Life is a lot more fun if we laugh. There is too much in life to be sad about, or scared, or down right terrified about…..but, sometimes one just has to laugh. Laugh out loud. Who cares if others think you’re nuts? Tell them that you are just fine and this is part of your therapy.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 ESV

Today I am thankful for laughter. My eucharisteo is thanksgiving to God for blessing me with funny things. Things that make me “smile out loud”. Surely, God must laugh at the craziness that He witnesses.

#371  A cat that stalks me. I’ve never known kitty love before this cat. She is calico love, wrapped up in fur.

#372 The same cat that is a huntress and deposits her rodent “gifts” in my master bath, where I will be sure to see them…and praise her for her great effort and talent.

#373 A dog that will not eat his nutritional bits and instead spews them around the kitchen floor. I find myself talking to the dog, knowing full well he doesn’t speak my language.

#374 Mismatched pajamas and fuzzy slippers…a regular fashionista, I am.

#375 I’m a mom to 3 teenagers and that brings some good laughs…all by itself.

#376 Random conversations in the family van. About what? Weird stuff, usually. Don’t even ask.

#377 Extremely windy days…I think I saw a cat just fly by the window.

#378 Dark stormy day, that allows me to light my cookie scented candles…..the smell without the baking:)

# 379 Good friends that go to home school conferences together and laugh their way through the aisles of curriculum.

#380 Life can be funny.

*****Sharing all the ways that we are thankful. Click on the Multitudes on Mondays graphic on my right side bar. *****

8 thoughts on “God Must Have A Sense Of Humor

  1. So true Dawn. I do believe God must have a sense of humor, too and luckily for me he has blessed all I know with the same. Love your writing and your blog!

  2. Dawn, I have really enjoyed reading your daily posts since I started receiving them. I admire your dedication. I can’t think of stuff fast enough to blog every day.
    I love humor. I was raised with it. My dad was a real card. Humor is in my blood. And I agree with you: A joyful heart is good medicine.
    Here’s a few of my attempts at humorous blogs you may enjoy.
    I look forward to reading more of your stuff, and where did you get that crazy picture of the donkey! What a great addition to your blog on laughter. It made me laugh.

  3. Amen , I mean we can choose to laugh at things that might not otherwise be laughable… Friends with their little carts stuck in bathroom stalls… teenagers …. husbands … and toddlers who just dumped all natural, thick and very colorful red-purple juice on the couch ! ( not laughing at this just yet, but maybe by the time he’s 16 ?) We’re so lucky God gives us laughter… where would we be without it ?

  4. I adore your list! Especially the dog/cat references…. I find that my gratitude list is often filled with the crazy antics of my little Scottish terrier. I hope you are having a blessed Monday!

  5. I clicked over from Ann’s link.

    I heart picking a favorite from each list – my favorite from yours this week is: and to be honest I could have stopped reading with the first one because I always go for the kitty love pick – but I decided on #378 Dark stormy day, that allows me to light my cookie scented candles…..the smell without the baking:) (because my goodness – it’s COOKIE scented candles – COOKIE SCENTED!!!!) {smile} and thank you for this.

    God bless you and keep you – and all of yours.

  6. Pingback: Cat Pee and Other Messy Stuff « It Just Dawned On Me

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