Rest In Peace

I found out yesterday that another person has died that was in my high school graduating class. I had a rather large graduating class, I think 500+ seniors. I didn’t know this boy personally and we didn’t hang out, but there is something about his death that struck me…..because he was my age. Hearing this reminds me of my own mortality.

Life can happen and then end so quickly. None of us should take what we’ve been given for granted.

The days the moments, the memories. When you’re seventeen or eighteen years old, the days seem endless. Graduation brings with it a life time laid out ahead of you. As you get older you begin to realize what is truly important.  The memories of youth begin to fade and the daily moments become more precious. More valuable.

Life and love and relationships.

Romans 8:38-39 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I’m More Than The “If Only”

The paper was yellowed with age, and it was deeply creased. I gently unfolded it and was taken back to decades past.

Electronic typewriter - the final stage in typ...

The report card(s)made me smile, as former teachers faces flashed before my eyes.  I was an A and B student for most of my school career. Grades were important to me, I always wanted to do my best. If my grades didn’t match what I thought my effort deserved, then I was disappointed in myself.

There is was. My eyes caught that dreaded letter. “D”. One of two that I received in my entire school career. It was in typing of all things. Yes, typing. It was my sophomore year in high school and it was a mandatory class. Computers in the early 80’s were still not “personal” and most people didn’t have one. This was the pre-social media age. (haha)  I learned to type on an electric typewriter whose size took up an entire desk. The timed tests are what got me. Too many mistakes. Oh, how I teared up when the teacher told me the bad news! I was devastated.

I wasn’t good enough. How could I let this happen?

Almost thirty years later, I still struggle with the not good enough. Oh, not the “D”…that has long since melted into history…but, the underlying question remains, “am I good enough?”

How many times do I set the bar in my life, only to fail? To come up short. At times, not even be in the game?

I am guilty of believing that I was the one in control. That when bad things happen I could have, should have, done something. Done better. Tried harder.

I was never in control. Never. Not once. Not, really.

That is a profound statement, isn’t it? So many times we think about the “if onlys”.  If only I was smarter, faster, prettier, skinnier, more organized, more outgoing, more capable……more. more. more. If only I met all these requirements, then everything would be alright. I’d be in control of my circumstances.

It is a struggle. I wish it wasn’t. I want to see myself, like Christ sees me.


“But, Lord……if only I’d pray more often. If only I did my devotions every day. If only I loved more and forgave more. If only I was more of a reflection of you in my daily life.”  And the “if onlys” widen the gap between me and the One that calls me worthy.

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12 NIV

But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation— Colossians 1:22 NIV

And the tears fall, as the words sink in.

Summer Saturdays

Summer Saturdays

This weekend is for visiting with friends…

High school graduation celebrations…

Enjoying a slower pace.

You Can’t Go Back Home Again….But, You Can Visit

Michael Jackson dancing with the living dead.

Image via Wikipedia

I graduated from high school in 1986.  Fellow classmates are putting together a twenty-fifth reunion, that will take place in a couple of months. I wish I could go….but, alas, I cannot. I grew up in Maryland, but now live in Ohio. Life tugs at me. So much to do, busy schedule, time slips away. How did I get from 18 to 43? From attending Friday night football games to Saturday morning soccer mom? From staying up late to dead tired by 9pm? From long talks on the telephone with friends, to email and smart phones? From being the teenager to now having teenagers of my own? When did I get old? Sigh. It would be great to be able to attend the reunion, because we are all in the same boat. Life has changed us all. We are on an even playing field now, no longer tied to our high school images. We might see other “children of the 80’s” at WalMart, our kids sporting events, or walking our subdivisions….and we just know.

My time in high school was good. I wasn’t a jock, or a geek, or a band member, or new wave. I did have friends that were. I don’t really know what I was in high school. I guess I was fairly average. Isn’t that pretty much how it goes? A teenager, trying to find herself….. The teen years are so confusing anyway.

It was the ’80’s. I watched The Cosby Show and Family Ties. Michael Jackson’s Thriller was at the top of the charts. ( Still, every time I hear the music from Thriller, I want to break into that zombie dance–I can’t help myself) The preppy look was in. How many layers of shirts could one person wear? Michael J. Fox was Back To The Future. I loved listening to The Police, Madonna, and the Eurythmics on my cassettes. X box and PlayStations weren’t heard of, we had Atari. VCRs were new, as were microwaves that weren’t the size of a house. If I wanted to get in touch with someone I called on the rotary phone that hung on the kitchen wall, or mailed them a handwritten letter. Email was unheard of. Cruising around 140 shopping center was the thing to do. Hanging out. Life was simple.

I can’t ever go back to the way things used to be. I can’t say that I’d really want to do that anyway….but, the memories are fun.

The old saying, You can’t go home again, is true…..but, I’ll always be part of the WHS Class of ’86.

In The Still Of The Evening…

Front porch

Image via Wikipedia

Last night I was sitting on the front porch with my husband. Like many married couples, we were talking about everything and nothing in particular. I for one, was thankful that the sun was getting ready to slip under the horizon, making it much cooler than it had been earlier in the day. It was quiet in our little piece of the world, except for the sound of the birds chirping in the fields and an occasional vehicle driving down our country road.   I pondered the fact that life is much different for me now. I never thought that I’d be sitting on the front porch of a home in the country.

As a high school student, I couldn’t wait to go away to college and “recreate” myself. As a college graduate I couldn’t wait to start my new career and have my own place. As a teacher I couldn’t wait to meet my new students and make a positive difference.  As a new wife I couldn’t wait to spend time with my husband, creating our life together. As a young wife, I couldn’t wait until we bought our own house for our family to make memories in. As a new mom, I couldn’t wait to hold my son, love him, and be thrilled with each new step.

As a new widow, I couldn’t wait for the sadness to end, and life to return to some sort of normal. As a single parent, I couldn’t wait to cheer at soccer games, plan birthday parties and go on vacations out West. As a thirty-something, I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to meet someone who would want to share life with me. As a newly remarried woman, I couldn’t wait to figure out how this blended family would work.

Always waiting….

So much of life is spent waiting, isn’t it? Your waiting might be, and probably is, different than my waiting. Life requires waiting.

Waiting for something new. Something different. Something better. Something comfortable. Something real. Something exciting.

Always waiting….

Waiting can bring new life, if I am patient. It has in the past…and it will again in the future.

This season of life has me both waiting and wondering. What will be next?

It is both scary and beautiful, all at the same time. On days when I am weary from worry, grieving from growing, pondering over patience, and just plain wondering, I remind myself that I am not the one in control. I never have been, and that is okay.

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31  NIV






Say What?

A leader teach is able to help this student wi...

Image via Wikipedia

Last evening I was looking through some of my blog archives. I came across one that made me laugh out loud. Such a window into my life.

Oh, the memories! Being an elementary school teacher in the South… Teaching was fun and the day to day escapades were good fodder for my blog.

Ya gotta love it!

Click on over for a good laugh:)

What Happened To The 3 R’s?

Marysville Public School

Since I have devoted most of my life to learning, both as student and as teacher, I keep up with what is going on in the education arena. I’ve grown deeply concerned over the years about the educational system in this country. Let me tell you why. Every week there seems to be something new and disturbing on the news. There are things that I question, things that make no sense.

1. School used to be a safe place. When parents sent their children off to school they really didn’t fear that they could be shot. Or that a teacher might try and seduce their children (both BOYS and GIRLS)?

2. That their child might become the target of bullies, and sadly, take his/her life?

3. Who in a million years would have thought that teens would participate in “sexting”? Where was modesty lost? When did self-esteem get shattered?

4. Or that high school girls would make “pacts” to become pregnant?

5. When did Montana decide that kindergartners needed to know about detailed human anatomy? And by 5th grade be expected to understand different sexual positions?

6. When was it decided in Massachusetts that kids should go to a mosque on a field trip…and the children have the option to participate in Islamic prayers?

7. School boards are choosing textbooks that leave out entire sections of history. Important things.

8. I have witnessed many young children that are unable to even say The Pledge of Allegiance. It is not required for them to recite it on a daily basis at their schools.

9. Many of our country’s children graduate not even being able to read at an adult level…or fill out an application…or answer simple history questions? (Have you ever seen Jay Leno’s, Jaywalking excerpts?) Is it any wonder why perspective employers are shaking their heads?

10. When did this become acceptable?

11. Are we, as a society, like the frogs in the pot? Not realizing that the temperature is being turned up, until we are all boiled?

12. I’m usually not a negative person.

13. But, this is serious business.

14. Don’t get me wrong. There are many great teachers out there.

15. Yet, even a great teacher is shackled to his/her school district’s curriculum. If it is poor curriculum, he/she still must teach it–or face job loss.

16. I know.

17. I taught in the public school system for 17 years.

18. Make no mistake about it.

19. School is not what it used to be.

20. Children of this country ARE learning…but, the question is WHAT? And can we live with that?