Etched In The Hearts Of Millions

This day, etched in the hearts of millions, is remembered…..

September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: V...

That day eleven years ago looked much like today.

A Tuesday, clear blue skies, and a complacency that came from thinking that we, as a country, were untouchable.

My heart remembers….

May we stay vigilant. Now and forever more.


From my archives…….

A Different World

11 Sep

The day was normal. Just like any other. Elementary school children chattering with each other. My teaching assistant and I were working with our reading groups on that Tuesday morning. A sunny day, nothing out of the ordinary…and then a fellow teacher popped into my classroom to tell me to go and watch the TV in the school conference room. I excused myself, leaving my kiddos with my assistant for a minute.

I stared at the television, not comprehending what I was looking at. The plane, the World Trade Center, the fire and smoke. People everywhere. The second plane hitting the building. News anchors eerily silent as, even they, had no words for what they were seeing. Chills ran across me as I stared in disbelief.

I numbly walked back to my classroom. Knowing that life was different now.

I told my assistant to go to the conference room.

I looked at the faces of all my young students and realized that life as we knew it would never be the same. These children would grow up in a different world than I had.

And it made me so sad.

September 11, 2001

A Different World

September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: V...

Image via Wikipedia

The day was normal. Just like any other. Elementary school children chattering with each other. My teaching assistant and I were working with our reading groups on that Tuesday morning. A sunny day, nothing out of the ordinary…and then a fellow teacher popped into my classroom to tell me to go and watch the TV in the school conference room. I excused myself, leaving my kiddos with my assistant for a minute.

I stared at the television, not comprehending what I was looking at. The plane, the World Trade Center, the fire and smoke. People everywhere. The second plane hitting the building. News anchors eerily silent as, even they, had no words for what they were seeing. Chills ran across me as I stared in disbelief.

I numbly walked back to my classroom. Knowing that life was different now.

I told my assistant to go to the conference room.

I looked at the faces of all my young students and realized that life as we knew it would never be the same. These children would grow up in a different world than I had.

And it made me so sad.

September 11, 2001

Simple Acts Of Faith

Child 1

Image by Tony Trần via Flickr

Simple acts of faith…it’s the topic we are discussing today over at Faith Barista.


Acts of faith.

When I hear that phrase this verse comes to mind…

Mark 10:13-16 ESV

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

Children are pretty simple. They usually wear their feelings on their sleeve, right out there in the open for all to see. They can say the most profound things in the most common of ways. Many times God has used the voices of young children to talk with me. Children haven’t been around long enough to become cynical, or hardened by the world. They accept things, they adapt, they love…right where they are.

Simple faith.

There is a reason that Jesus chose to speak of children in these verses…an example for us all.

Throughout my life, I have had the honor and privilege of witnessing simple faith. Through children. Family. Friends. Even strangers.

“This is the best job ever!”—me at 17, excited to get the opportunity to be a camp counselor with developmentally disabled adults (even then, God was sowing the seed in my heart and giving me a passion for this population)

“Would you be interested in being a special ed. teacher is a small town in Scott County, Tennessee?”—my college professor who had tracked me down over 500 miles and several states away

“Mommy, don’t cry. This is just Daddy’s body in the ground. Daddy is with Jesus right now and he is happy.” — The faith of my 5 year old son as he stood at the graveside of his Daddy.

“Mrs. S, the policy you thought was canceled, wasn’t. We’ll be sending you the money soon.”– A phone call to the newly widowed, faith that God would provide for me in a miraculous way.

“Mrs. S, those people in the buildings are hurting. It’s very sad. Can we pray for them?” — The faith of my second grade student, after she heard about the attacks on the World Trade Centers.

“I forgive you”– said to someone who never apologized, and having faith in God as One who heals.

“We’re all okay. God had his hand on us.” — After my car hydroplaned and slid sideways on the interstate, totaling the car, but not hurting us at all. (Less than a mile up the road there was a steep vertical drop off, if we had hydroplaned and went off the road there we would have been killed.) Faith that God is in each moment.

“Father I can’t find what I need. Can you please help me? I know this is a simple thing, but I really need your help!” — after looking and looking for various objects and then, there they are ……this has happened numerous times. Faith that there is nothing too small or too big for God to handle.

“We say we trust God. This is a circumstance where we will have to prove it. God promises to take care of us and provide for our needs.”— Paraphrase from my husband, after he lost his job of 22 years. Faith that God is Jehovah-Jireh and will supply all our needs.

Lord, I know you have a plan for me. All the doors to opportunities seem to slam shut. I trust you because I know you have promised me hope and a future.” — When in the midst of finding my niche’, faith that God has a plan for me.

“Look at that beautiful double rainbow!” —- Standing on the front porch with the family, enjoying God’s promise.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 NIV


What are some of the simple acts of faith that you have encountered?
