Animal House

Pets make me smile. They are so goofy, I can’t help but love ’em.

Ace and Junior–The Greeters. This is what I see when I look out the van window. “We are so glad you are home! Pet us.”


Nikki, My Stalker Kitty

Please ignore anything you might see under my daughter’s bed. Nikki is guarding the dust bunnies. Nikki is my stalker kitty. She was taking a break from her stalking duties, under my daughter’s bed. She is a brave cat.


Joe, the 'fraidy cat

Joe is very sweet, but very skittish. He doesn’t want any funny business going on. He’s 13 so he’s allowed to lay under the bed if he so chooses. When I’m old, if I choose to lay under my bed, then let me. Just sayin’.


Shamus, the kitty

Shamus is the youngest of the “crew”. He is either fearless or has no sense, we’re still not sure. Please ignore Junior sniffing Shamus’ backside. Animals do not understand social etiquette….especially while getting their pictures taken. Sigh.


Shamus and Salem-- Outdoor porch guards

Salem is the queen. She is beautiful. She puts up with nothing. Don’t mess with her. She has claws and is not afraid to use them.


Lonnie, Terrier Extraordinaire

Lonnie is the newest member of the family. My son got him from the local humane society. He is the sweetest guy, I just love him…even though I’ve nicknamed him “The Furinator.”



This is a picture I took of Jazz during our last snow. I took the picture through the living room window…where it was warm.


Llama Love

These are not my llamas, but I love them anyway. The neighbor across the road owns the llamas. I just get to watch them. I can’t wait for all the babies that will appear this Spring!