Kindness Matters


I am an avid people watcher. The grocery store is a prime spot for the observant among us. That is where I found myself, on this gray and drizzly Friday morning in July. There are some days when I am in a rush to get what I need, grab it and go…but, today wasn’t one of those days. Today I took time to leisurely stroll up and down the aisles. In between buying the coffee and fresh produce, I noticed the people around me. The truth is, how often do we run through life, not slowing down, rushing on to the next necessary thing on our to do list? I’m often guilty….but, not today.

Sometimes I find myself wondering about people. Does the lady buying the cereal have someone at home waiting for her? Does she have plans? Is the elderly couple, getting the milk, someone’s parents? Are they in love or feeling alone? Is the young mom, with her three children in tow, filled with joy or is she trying to shove the memories away and forget? We just never really know, do we? What people are going through, I mean…….

I try to remember that.

Kindness is never a wrong choice.

Today just might be the day when someone whose path crosses yours, needs to be shown kindness the most.

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 

The Search For Happiness

When the road less traveled, just turns out to be the road that is less.                                 IMG_0201

When the job fills the ego, but starves the soul…

and the search for happiness is hard and long…

These things cause a body to long for more.

More of the things that truly matter.


You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body. –C.S. Lewis


This world and what it has to offer, will never be enough.

We were made for more than this world.

Creation was fractured when sin entered in.

God’s perfect world, left wounded and hurting because of mankind’s choice.

But, this will not always be so….


And you might say to me, “Jesus, is just a panacea for the weak”

“a placebo for the needy.  I am more than that”.

But, your more is never enough. Deep down you realize this.

And the race continues to run you ragged.

You are breathing hard from the search.

When you finally reach, what you thought, was the finish line…

You see that happiness doesn’t wait for you there. It is elusive.

You need more time. You need more money. You just need more of something…

That is, unless your joy is in the Lord.

When the road is unsure and the longing wears at your soul…

Open the door. Look to the One who knows you intimately.

The One who knows your need.


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 NIV


You will find, Jesus is enough.

Nothing else this world has to offer is going to fill the void.

It can’t…

because it is only He who is able to make you complete.


“…For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete…” Colossians 2:9-10







Feel The Love

Going through my blog archives today….   This post made me smile, then laugh out loud. I do love the men in my life:)

Men…And Other Scary Animals

A couple in the dark

I like men. I actually love some of them. I think that a lot of time men get “bad raps” in the media. Not fair. They have a lot of good qualities that oft times get overlooked. On this note, I am dedicating today’s blog to my loving husband and sons, and all the other men out there that make the world a more crazy…eh hem….delightful place. I would also like to state for the record that this blog is MY opinion, and on MY blog that is the only one that counts. If you are a male basher don’t read this blog—because I am all about flowers and sunshine:)


1. Men like to fix things. This is very helpful to me when I have no clue as to what I am doing. “Honey, the thing- a- ma- bobber just fell off the what-cha-ma-call-it….do you think you can fix that for me? Sure. ( I love him!)


2. Unless the food is completely toxic and inedible men will give it a try…and sometimes ask for seconds. I love that they are not so picky.


3. Men are usually good with calculations. Math is not really my forte’. Well, upper level math is not my forte’ is what I should say. I also appreciate my husband’s precision when measuring for whatever it is that he is building for me.


4. Men are great foot warmers in bed. Most of the time they don’t complain, even if one’s feet are cold, most of the time they are just glad that you are snuggling with them.


5. Most men work really hard in their chosen career. (or even if it’s not their chosen career) They want to provide for their family. It makes them feel good–which in turn makes the family feel good:) Which makes them feel good. Which makes us feel good. See the circle of love?


6. Most men are really about 12 years old mentally. Some people see this as an obstacle that needs to be overcome. I see it as well…..let’s just say that burping contests, lawn mower races and wrestling each other to the floor is dangerous after a certain age, and leave it at that.


7. Men can look totally cute in the morning…even right after getting up. The messy hair and unshaven face just add to the mystique.


8. Men like to have female friends. Why do you think that so many men get married? ‘Cause they love us, girls. They really do. They realize how cool we actually are and they like to hang with us. This shows they obviously have good taste, right?


9. They are brave and courageous. Even if they are scared out of their wits they, most of the time, will be the one to get up and see what the scary noise is out in the living room. They also crawl under houses to fix things…braving snakes, possums, mice, or other vermin. They are supermen!


10. They are fun to have around and they make us laugh. They help to make the world a little more goofy, and less tense of a place.


11. They are not rattled when they take a wrong turn. “We’ll just drive around until we see something familiar.”


12. There is nothing better than a hug. Even if he is stinky, and sweaty and in need of a shower. ( I wonder if he will use that new lavender shampoo I just bought?)


This day is the day to remember…

all those brave men and women who sacrificed…

those that laid down their lives for their country.

They knew what so many of us often forget…

Freedom is never free. There is always a price to pay.

Thank you to the families of those fallen. They know and understand that sacrifice is real.

Thank you to those soldiers who paid the ultimate price.

May we, and this country,  be worthy of their sacrifice.





























Remember Those With No Voice

Today I went back into my archive of posts. The words I wrote in the past, still tear at my heart.

This week was human trafficking awareness.

So many of us are still completely unaware….

Stand Up For A New Habit

11 Jan

Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2010

Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, at A Holy Experience, we are blogging on habits.

Habitan acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary

I have habits. Don’t we all?

Some are good habits…

Some I wish I didn’t have at all.

The great part is that I can make a choice.

Some people don’t have a choice….

They are forced into a life style that they neither wanted nor chose.

For whatever reason, they are living a life that most of us will never know.

Today, January 11, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

I wanted to repost a blog entry that I wrote last year.

Make it a habit this year, to not ignore the facts.

To be aware of what is going on.

To make a difference wherever and whenever you can.

Stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves.



15 May

WARNING: This blog may contain some material that readers will find difficult to read or might find offensive. Some may choose to believe this doesn’t really happen….but it does and if you are touched by these stories you can be a part of making a positive, life altering change in the lives of thousands of women. ONE WOMAN AT A TIME.

Last Saturday my daughter and I had opportunity to hear about W.A.R ministry. (Women At Risk) The mission organized a few years ago to help women around the world that were captured in the horrors of sex trafficking. Many people will read this and think, “That is someone else’s daughter, or sister, or friend. I don’t have anything to do with that. Sex trafficking is such a dirty, perverse life….well….I just don’t want to even think about it.” I beg you to reconsider. There are women that are crying out–but they have no voice. Children and young girls are sold into a life too heinous for us to comprehend. I want you to read the story I am about to tell.

A young, 14 year old girl, the daughter of missionaries in Bangladesh saw with

her own eyes the treatment of females in southeast Asia. Her parents worked at a missionary hospital. One day she was there with her parents when another 14 year old girl was left in front of the hospital like no more then a sack of garbage. The girl had been raped by male members of her family. She cried out and resisted their attacks, to no avail……but because she had resisted and screamed she had to be silenced. They poured acid down her throat so she could no longer cry out. Her throat was badly damaged and she could not eat…she was dying. I suppose they didn’t want to deal with her dying so they threw her in front of this hospital. The staff of the hospital showed her love and acceptance. God healed her throat through the skilled hands of the doctors at this missionary hospital. She was able to eat again and to have good health again…..but she never uttered another word. She could not talk. Her words were gone.
This young missionary daughter remembered this and years later started W.A.R to help give voice to the silenced cries of women of the world. This mission outreach creates circles of protection in the name of Christ. They provide safe havens for women who have never known safety, or have never known what it is to feel worthy in the eyes of others. Safe houses are used to rescue women, women’s centers teach job skills and offer medical support, sponsorships for women and orphans, empowerment, humanitarian missions, and research.

They also have emergency rescues…..this is the story of one such rescue.
A 2 week old Thai baby was sold to sex traffickers for $200. Her mother already had 4 children and could not afford another. She made the choice to sell her infant daughter to sex traffickers who would raise her in that culture– “breeding her” for the life of a prostitute. When the Women At Risk women heard about this they got the baby back. She was redeemed. Eighteen months later she is now processed for adoption into a loving home.
Baby trafficking is on the rise. Most sane people don’t like to think about that. It turns the stomach. It hurts me to think about innocent children being used for such vile purposes. The woman at the meeting on Saturday informed us that there is a village in Cambodia that is known for being completely used for pedophilia. Men that are interested in that lifestyle know about this village and evidently it is a popular vacation spot for those who are the depraved among us.
These women and children who have never known worth are exposed to the love of their Heavenly Father…..many for the very first time. They are told and shown that they ARE worthy and that they ARE fearfully and wonderfully made. That God loves THEM. That He SEES them….and that He HEARS them even when they are forced to be silent.

You too can make a difference. You can host or attend a WAR chest party at home, work, or church etc. High end products made by disadvantaged women rescued from traffickers and employed with dignity. You can also pray, creating circles of protection for these women and those helping them.

Please visit for more information.

*800,000 people are illegally trafficked against their will every year. 50% are children. 70% of the women are sold into sexual slavery.–US State Dept.
*The new slavery…human trafficking, is the fastest growing segment of organized crime. 100,000 are trafficked INSIDE America.—FBI
* Virginity is sold by traffickers to the highest bidder and children forced to perform sexual favors.
* 2 Million girls a year are brutally circumcised, one every 15 seconds–Secretary General
* 5,000 honor killings reported a year. –Christian Science Monitor
* Every 14 seconds, a child is orphaned by AIDS. 19 million women live with HIV/AIDS.–United Nations
* Routine Physicals are death traps, when organs are stolen for sale on the black market.–Sudanese Human Rights Lawyer
* 114-200 MILLION

women are “demographically missing” due to infanticide, dowry deaths, domestic violence and all manner of risk. –UN Secretary General



Turning The Page

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. – Helen Keller

Stepping out into the unknown…each day unfolding into an adventure.

Helen Keller's famous water pump at Ivy Green

The diploma in my hand was full of promise. I was chosen for the scholarship. I was leaving for school hundreds of miles from home.

The letters after my name. A degree. Four years of hard work had paid off. The future was full of promise.

Applications. Interviews. God had other plans…and they weren’t the same as mine.

I had moved back home. I was 500 miles away, when I received the call. Would I like to travel back to east Tennessee and take the job?

He asked me. I said, “yes”.  The diamond sparkled in the light.

Teaching. Learning. Changing.

The strip had a plus sign on it. The smile broke out across my face. I was going to be a mommy!

The first strong cry, mingled with my own. I took him in my arms and carried him in my heart.

My husband didn’t feel well.

The doctor told us that “things didn’t look right”.  A door slammed shut that day…and it never opened again.

Gray sky on a damp November morning. Freshly dug dirt.

Having to say good-bye and knowing it would be final.

Soccer mom. Church activities. Parent nights. Laughter.

Girls night out. Friendship.

Dating again. Nervous. Unsure.

Meeting new people. Hearing their stories. Making memories.

Falling in love again. Saying yes, to second chances.

Choosing to school at home.

Moving to a new state. New friends. New routines.

A new house. A job loss. Struggling to understand the why?

Life is a constant adventure.

Tomorrow is a new chapter.

Turning the page…

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
   but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21 NIV

Stand Up For A New Habit

Trafficking In Persons Report Map 2010

Today, at A Holy Experience, we are blogging on habits.

Habitan acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary

I have habits. Don’t we all?

Some are good habits…

Some I wish I didn’t have at all.

The great part is that I can make a choice.

Some people don’t have a choice….

They are forced into a life style that they neither wanted nor chose.

For whatever reason, they are living a life that most of us will never know.

Today, January 11, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

I wanted to repost a blog entry that I wrote last year.

Make it a habit this year, to not ignore the facts.

To be aware of what is going on.

To make a difference wherever and whenever you can.

Stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves.



15 May

WARNING: This blog may contain some material that readers will find difficult to read or might find offensive. Some may choose to believe this doesn’t really happen….but it does and if you are touched by these stories you can be a part of making a positive, life altering change in the lives of thousands of women. ONE WOMAN AT A TIME.

Last Saturday my daughter and I had opportunity to hear about W.A.R ministry. (Women At Risk) The mission organized a few years ago to help women around the world that were captured in the horrors of sex trafficking. Many people will read this and think, “That is someone else’s daughter, or sister, or friend. I don’t have anything to do with that. Sex trafficking is such a dirty, perverse life….well….I just don’t want to even think about it.” I beg you to reconsider. There are women that are crying out–but they have no voice. Children and young girls are sold into a life too heinous for us to comprehend. I want you to read the story I am about to tell.

A young, 14 year old girl, the daughter of missionaries in Bangladesh saw with her own eyes the treatment of females in southeast Asia. Her parents worked at a missionary hospital. One day she was there with her parents when another 14 year old girl was left in front of the hospital like no more then a sack of garbage. The girl had been raped by male members of her family. She cried out and resisted their attacks, to no avail……but because she had resisted and screamed she had to be silenced. They poured acid down her throat so she could no longer cry out. Her throat was badly damaged and she could not eat…she was dying. I suppose they didn’t want to deal with her dying so they threw her in front of this hospital. The staff of the hospital showed her love and acceptance. God healed her throat through the skilled hands of the doctors at this missionary hospital. She was able to eat again and to have good health again…..but she never uttered another word. She could not talk. Her words were gone.
This young missionary daughter remembered this and years later started W.A.R to help give voice to the silenced cries of women of the world. This mission outreach creates circles of protection in the name of Christ. They provide safe havens for women who have never known safety, or have never known what it is to feel worthy in the eyes of others. Safe houses are used to rescue women, women’s centers teach job skills and offer medical support, sponsorships for women and orphans, empowerment, humanitarian missions, and research. They also have emergency rescues…..this is the story of one such rescue.
A 2 week old Thai baby was sold to sex traffickers for $200. Her mother already had 4 children and could not afford another. She made the choice to sell her infant daughter to sex traffickers who would raise her in that culture– “breeding her” for the life of a prostitute. When the Women At Risk women heard about this they got the baby back. She was redeemed. Eighteen months later she is now processed for adoption into a loving home.
Baby trafficking is on the rise. Most sane people don’t like to think about that. It turns the stomach. It hurts me to think about innocent children being used for such vile purposes. The woman at the meeting on Saturday informed us that there is a village in Cambodia that is known for being completely used for pedophilia. Men that are interested in that lifestyle know about this village and evidently it is a popular vacation spot for those who are the depraved among us.
These women and children who have never known worth are exposed to the love of their Heavenly Father…..many for the very first time. They are told and shown that they ARE worthy and that they ARE fearfully and wonderfully made. That God loves THEM. That He SEES them….and that He HEARS them even when they are forced to be silent.

You too can make a difference. You can host or attend a WAR chest party at home, work, or church etc. High end products made by disadvantaged women rescued from traffickers and employed with dignity. You can also pray, creating circles of protection for these women and those helping them.

Please visit for more information.

*800,000 people are illegally trafficked against their will every year. 50% are children. 70% of the women are sold into sexual slavery.–US State Dept.
*The new slavery…human trafficking, is the fastest growing segment of organized crime. 100,000 are trafficked INSIDE America.—FBI
* Virginity is sold by traffickers to the highest bidder and children forced to perform sexual favors.
* 2 Million girls a year are brutally circumcised, one every 15 seconds–Secretary General
* 5,000 honor killings reported a year. –Christian Science Monitor
* Every 14 seconds, a child is orphaned by AIDS. 19 million women live with HIV/AIDS.–United Nations
* Routine Physicals are death traps, when organs are stolen for sale on the black market.–Sudanese Human Rights Lawyer
* 114-200 MILLION

women are “demographically missing” due to infanticide, dowry deaths, domestic violence and all manner of risk. –UN Secretary General



A Quiet Evening At Home

There is so much to see

When I take the time to really look.

Father, help me to walk through life

with my eyes wide open.



For all things great

and small.

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

Canon Deluxe Backpack 200 EG

Image via Wikipedia

The backpack is far too heavy for me. I am hunched over from the struggle of having to carry it. It strains me almost to the point of exhaustion.

I’m weighed down by everything I have shoved in there.




The Daily Routine.

The Mundane.






The past.

The future.



The things of life, that I worry over.

Each one seemingly so important that I feel I must carry it.

These things that I continually shove in my own personal backpack.

Sometimes it is so full I can’t even zip it shut. Just when I think there is room for nothing else…I squeeze another worry in.

I cannot continue like this.

“Father, this is so difficult for me. I don’t want to worry, but worry creeps back to me. I say I trust You. I give you the backpack, but then I take it back again. The worry feels comfortable to me…even if it is painful.

Father, will you help me? Help me to trust you more. I need your words from Matthew 6:34 to soothe my tired back. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.”

Lord, you are so much more capable to carry my burdens than I am. Forgive me for not trusting you more.

Noises Of The Every Day


Image by rishibando via Flickr

It is in the quiet when I hear His voice.

The TV blares the day’s latest news.

The kids are talking.

The phone rings.

I hear my husband’s voice as he answers a call.

The dishwasher hums.

My computer keys click.

Music plays.

The dogs bark.

I live in a cacophony of noises.

Noises of the every day. Noises of urgency. Noises of my life.

My soul realizes that something is missing.  I long for the quiet peace that comes from just being in His presence.

Just being with Him, the One who created me, and knows me most intimately.

I come to be renewed. Rejuvenated. Cleansed.

I sit at His feet and listen.