Happy Sigh

OISHI Green Tea

Image via Wikipedia

Today is Friday. It has been a fun week.

My birthday. My son’s birthday.

Today is sunny, after all the rain.

Things are good. Happy sigh.

Some days I stare up into the heavens… I really see the beautiful sky and puffy, cotton clouds .I watch the stars sparkle.

I really look at my half made bed with the beautiful white quilt.

I really feel the arms encircling me in a hug.

I really taste the orange and jasmine green tea.

I really smell the lavender in the dryer sheets.

I really hear the laughter.

Some days my senses seem so alive. I wonder what I’m like on most days? Are my senses dulled to the world around me? Am I on autopilot that I can’t really appreciate what it is that I have?

I long to live this life…my life…with my eyes wide open. Open to all there is. All the things to be wildly thankful for.

As one of my favorite authors writes, “Life is not an emergency”. Yet, so many times I choose to live the opposite.

Why do I rush through my days? What am I racing headlong into? So busy, doing what? Don’t have time?

I need to live.


In this moment.


Do you ever find yourself wanting to slow down? Do you ever take the time to just stop what you are doing, and give thanks?

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